Events & seminar organization

  • Organizer of the first edition of CoDoc (COlloque des DOctorant.e.s), a seminar for the PhD students of the PMMH lab, to discuss science but also to share on our experiences as PhD students (lab-life balance, mental health risks, perspectives for our lab). May 23-25 2022. Feedback report based on our discussions

  • Co-organizer of the Coffee meeting, a weekly seminar at PMMH featuring invited postdocs and PhDs. April 2021 to September 2022.

  • Organizer of the PMM’Houches, a workshop for the PhD students of the PMMH lab at the École de Physique des Houches. May 26-29 2021.


Conference talks



  • Colors in scientific communication. May 2022. A talk given at CoDoc 2022 (see above).